19 June 2007

Menu-Plan Tuesday?

Well, I didn't get this all chosen and posted on Monday as I would have liked to. I am way behind on blogging, and this is the only post that seemed doable this week. Upcoming posts will be about Charis and her THIRD BIRTHDAY, and also construction updates. But for now, today, when I am wiped out from a morning full of first graders at VBS, a menu-plan post is about all I can manage. When I emerge from my semi-comatose state, I will have lots to say. Lots.

Charis' Birthday party leftovers (so, see, you didn't really miss anything)

Grilled Pork Steak
Rice Pilaf
Leftover Corn on the Cob

Dinner at Abe's parents' house (beef BBQ sandwiches, I think)

Rachel Ray's Not-Zagna (because we never had the rigatoni I'd planned for last week)

Sweet and Sour Chicken

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