04 September 2007

See You in the Funny Papers

My kids bring me such joy. They're constantly doing humorously memorable things, like this:

Yes, that is a potty seat. It would be nice if she would use it for something other than a hat.

And here's Judah, spying on the neighbors...

...and getting up-close-and-personal with the camera. Pardon the crusties in his cute little nose.
But very often, they do things that can't be captured with a camera. Yesterday, we were in the car on our way to the beach, and we passed a McDonald's. Charis piped up. "Can we get nuggets?"


"Can we get nuggets?"



She had spent the night at Yia Yia's house, a rare treat. I suspect she enjoyed herself, even if it was because she got an excellent breakfast: Charis was the first to wake up, and prowled around the house to see if anyone else was awake. Finding no one, she helped herself to a big bag of marshmallows. Shortly thereafter, Yia Yia came downstairs. "I did not know where you were!" Charis said.

"I was sleeping upstairs," said Yia Yia. "What do you have there?"

"I have marshmallows." Charis sighed. "I had a few."

At least she tells the truth...

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